Driver Retention Solutions


Looking into driver detention from a driver’s lens this issue remains at the top of list for drivers which impacts not only the drivers ELD service hours but the trucking indusrty itself. It is essential that we work effectively in finding solutions that will have provided results. Within this article it will discuss critical solutions in helping minimize the effects of driver detention. When drivers are detained in anyway it has a major impact on the ability to generate revenue and arise in operating cost across the entire trucking industry. 

If on analyzes the effect of driver detention.  Training employees on hours of service may provide knowledge and understanding of how critical their efforts will improve the overall process for the trucking industry driver detention through the years ahead. Once a driver arrives a protocol shall be in place this will be crucial in minimizing driver detention. Such as radio in load number/pickup number, brief detailed instructions that will optimize driver time management. 

Utilizing software is a key factor from booking appointment efficiently and not over booking, ample shift scheduled coverage, available equipment for handling workload and frequently tracking freight status. During driver check in please realize their hours of service are ticking away with every situation that may arise. Booking appointment perhaps should include shipper or receiver contact information for driver along with pre- assigned dock door when possible along with whether overnight parking is available. 

Providing a driver with any additional information besides load number or having the trailer a pre- loaded trailer will assist with cutting down driver detention. Several example in helping the process for drivers are as follow: loading/offloading procedure provided when possible, periodically providing updates after dock door assignment by either using a yard coordinator/jockey in relaying message of loading/offloading timeframe to the driver. 

Knowing when it is necessary to cut a driver loose when awaiting a load in transit on the back of a local company driver’s trailer bringing in a backhaul that is running into delays themselves. Time management and shared knowledge from all parties involved is critical in aiding in driver detention. Having guidelines and policies implemented for timeframe per trailer loading/ offload productivity can aid as well. Providing an incentive program for warehouse workers base on turnaround time shall aid in improving driver detention as well.  

Trailer status which would include a load time form sheet completed per load that’s time stamp. This load time sheet once completed should be accessible for all parties so one can determine reasons behind driver detention an provide feedback on solutions collectively. Knowing where the breakdown is occurring is valuable in finding a solution. Additional solutions such as a flexible after normal business hours for shipping and receiving assigned to a designated employee with a dedicated dock door would be impactful in improving driver detention. 

If warehouse facility that has having a designated individual for after hour service can keep drivers moving efficiently instead of having to layover for loading/offloading less than a truckload.


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